Vivica A. Fox dated 50 Cent once upon a time and no one will let it go. Well I live in the here and now, and couldn’t give a shit. We all have dating pasts, people, and what’s important is how we move onward and upward from fuckboys and those who didn’t realize what queens and kings we are. So when I… View Post
Grace Helbig & Hannah Hart’s Real Thoughts on the Red Carpet
To us peasants watching glamorous awards shows and such from the comfort of our homes, the red carpet seems glitzy AF. As a red carpet reporter, I can confidently say: LOL. Don’t be fooled, regardless of how many Givenchy dresses graze the carpet and how many Beyonces and Meryls breath on it. The experience can still be les mis as… View Post
‘American Horror Story’ Vet Denis O’Hare Loves His Sex Life
The only thing I love more than American Horror Story is a conversation with low-key sex god Denis O’Hare. The only thing Denis loves more than AHS is great sex. And he’s had lots of it. I know, because he told me. But for this vet (both on set and in the sheets), sex wasn’t as always as orgasmic as… View Post
E!’s WAGS Spill Tea on Athlete Penis Size
If you can dunk or take out a linebacker (you like that sports lingo?), I’m going to assume you would destroy me in bed. In the best way possible. Since I haven’t dated an athlete since high school (and who TF is fully developed at that point anyway?), I figured I was closest to the source when meeting E!’s WAGS… View Post
‘Mean Girls’s Damian Explains If He Loves Fans Or Hates Us All
Fact: None of us would be who or where we are today without universal icon Damian from Mean Girls to guide us through life and embrace/squash basic bitches. Is Daniel Franzese, the man behind the on-screen legend, fed up with people primarily recognizing him from that one role, though? When I met him, I asked if he gets annoyed when he’s… View Post